Saturday, March 05, 2011

Making Free Product Coupons Go Further

It seems pretty obvious if you receive a free item coupon for liking the product on facebook or on a company website ( One Beyond Coupon this was a facebook one(no longer available but you can print off a $2.00 coupon), and then Walmart offered to the first 50,000 a FREE Chef Boyardee coupon (also no longer available but just wanted to show I posted on both these offers.)

So does it seem like a no brainer to just use them on the product and get a free product? Did you know you can do better than just getting ONE PRODUCT FREE, if you wait for sales ;0)

I look at the expiration date on the FREE PRODUCT COUPON and I wait and wait to see if I can get a better deal! I didn't have to wait long on these TWO coupons. CVS has the Chef Boyardee on sale for BUY ONE GET ONE FREE so I got 2 FREE! And I found a ONE Beyond TARGET store coupon for $2.00 off (still available so stack it with the facebook coupon.) which stacked with my free coupon, so yes that is like getting paid $2.00 for buying the dog food which if you don't have a dog you could donate!! You must have another item for the $2.00 to come off of as they are not going to hand you $2.00!

If you don't already receive my daily e-mail that comes ONLY ONE TIME A DAY @ 3:00 p.m. in your inbox, I highly SUGGEST subscribing to My Memphis Mommy. It is FREE and you can unsubscribe at anytime. Even if you follow closer and follow my facebook I out up between 10-20 things a day so it is easy to miss what I put up. I even look at the e-mail to remind myself of the daily deals.

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