Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Share what you had for breakfast with Kellogg's and help a child

 Kellogg's has launched a new program called Share Your Breakfast that runs through July 31st. 

Kellogg's goal is to help share 1 million breakfasts for deserving school kids by the start of the 2011-2012 school year. They will donate the monetary equivalent of school breakfasts to Action for Healthy Kids, which is a nonprofit organization that focuses on childhood obesity and undernourishment.

Here is how you can help...it is very easy:

All you have to do is take a picture of what you are eating for breakfast and upload it to the Share Your Breakfast website.  You can even take a picture on your cell phone and text your photo with the word "Share" to 21534. 

You can also:
  • Visit the “Help A Child” tab on Kellogg's Facebook page and upload your photo straight from there! 

  • On National Breakfast Day, Tuesday, March 8th, only, there's one more way to share your breakfast.  All you have to do is tweet a description of your breakfast (no photo required) with #ShareUrBreakfast on March 8, National Breakfast Day - every tweet will count as one more breakfast shared! 

  • So share what you had for breakfast with Kellogg's and help a child! 

    Thanks My Springfield Mommy!

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