Tuesday, March 08, 2011

WordQ + SpeakQ Review and Giveaway

 "The task of a writer consists of being able to make something out of an idea." Thomas Mann 

Writing can be difficult for some, and I know how hard it was for me starting out.  English was my second language and I struggled learning, reading, and writing in school.  My elementary school was fortunate to have an ESL class in which I participated in and with hard work and dedication I studied reading and writing and finished AP English in high school.  My writing isn't perfect, but it is an important communication tool to have in life.  Many children have problems articulating what they think into what they write, WordQ +SpeakQ is a perfect tool to have for children and teenagers to use to improve their writing skills.  It is software that essentially types out what you speak and more.  This can make writing those dreaded essays a lot easier! 

Here is more info from the company:

Writing is the new social currency.  Millions are held back from achieving their potential in school, the workplace and their personal lives because of their writing disabilities.  It’s estimated that approximately 15% of students are diagnosed with learning differences.  For many, writing can be a painful, embarrassing process. It hurts to hear “This doesn’t make any sense, you need to fix this!” and “Aren’t you finished yet?” Fortunately, state-of-the-art assistive software now allows users to combine their strengths to compensate for their writing weaknesses.
            WordQ+SpeakQ (http://www.goqsoftware.com/) software bundle is the first and only integrated word prediction and speech recognition tool available, designed for students (from 2nd grade to college) and others  who struggle with writing.  It was developed by a research team led by Dr. Fraser Shein of Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto.
            Nei MacGregor, VP of goQsoftware,  explains that, "I’ve been battling my own learning disabilities since childhood and have coached hundreds of students who struggle with writing. Over the years, I’ve seen and used a variety of assistive software tools and, 2 months ago, after 4 years, I helped launch WordQ+SpeakQ version 3.0.  The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive."  Just one example of this feedback:  Sarah King, AT/Special Education Department, Laramie County Schools (Cheyenne, WY), whose entire district has purchased WordQ+SpeakQ, recently raved, “This is the best thing we have ever done!” after a student kickoff session to launch the software attracted hundreds of students and administrators.
            Built to enhance, and be more forgiving than, other applications, WordQ provides additional functionality to popular writing applications (e.g. Internet, Adobe, Microsoft Word and anywhere you can highlight and click), including word prediction, suggesting words that change depending on the context, and spoken feedback that allows users to hear their mistakes (e.g. run-on sentences, spelling and punctuation errors, etc).  SpeakQ is a plug-in that builds on and enhances WordQ’s functions, adding speech recognition (speech-to-text functionality), working in spite of mild speech imperfections and accents.
            According to the Albuquerque Journal, ten-year-old 4th grader Darius Kessler “knows that WordQ…helps him read and write in ways he never could before. His mother, teachers and occupational therapist say that program has given him a voice.”  Sarah King, AT/Special Education Department, Laramie County Schools (Cheyenne, WY)--whose entire district has purchased WordQ+SpeakQ-- recently raved, “This is the best thing we have ever done!,” after a demonstration of the software at a kick-off session attracted hundreds of students and faculty. 

If you are interested in this software, please check out their website www.goqsoftware.com

WordQ + SpeakQ has generously offered to giveaway a sample of their software ($279 Value) to one lucky San Francisco Mommy Reader. To enter you must leave a comment and do the following:

1. Leave your email
2. Be a friend on facebook and thank them for their generous giveaway
3. Share why you would need this amazing software

Giveaway ends March 31st, good luck!

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