Friday, April 15, 2011

What I Have Come To Realize....

Couponing has definitely become a lifestyle that is sweeping the Bay Area.  I remember my earlier days of couponing where there were tons of product on the shelf that I never had to go to another store to get the deal that I want. I remember where cashiers had puzzled expressions whenever I placed a fat stack of coupons for them to scan. I remember where people behind me huffed and puffed in line whenever I pulled out my fifty or so coupons. Well, sometimes things that like still happen- but definitely less often than not.

Today I went into Target to grab some deals that were from one to two weeks ago, because their stock of what I wanted were already taken! It makes me a little frustrated, but also happy at the same time, that I'm not the only one out there with our frugal lifestyle.  I also noticed that today, the lady behind me did not huff! Instead, she complimented me on how much money we would be saving by using coupons and wanted to know herself how to do so.   The cherry on top was when the cashier (with a smile on her face) exclaimed how great it was that we were couponing and that her "mother does it all the time!" We got all the deals that we wanted without the cashier doing one of the following-

1. Licking the coupon to make sure the ink ran to make sure it was a printed coupon (from a printer) and not from a copier.
2. Attempt to call the manager, instead getting security who brings the coupon to a back room- and then come back and tell you it's not valid (for no apparent reason).
3. Scan the coupon, says it doesn't work and leave it at that.
4. Argue with you about the terminology of a coupon.

Today for us was an awesome day for getting some deals.  Everyday should be like this!

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