Monday, March 07, 2011

Little Debbies Cloud Cakes Review and Giveaway!

The doorbell rang and I was in the garage.  My husband opened the door and yelled, "Oh my gosh!" I ran to see what was going on, and as I approach the scene I saw my husband with a huge smile across his face.  Our box of Little Debbies Cloud Cakes had arrived!
These cakes are reminiscent of my elementary years where snack time was an important time of sharing and trading all the little goodies we had.  Cakes filled with all types of creme that squished out once you bit into it.... yes, this is what Cloud Cakes are!  Yellow cakes that are really just like clouds filled with creme.   Little Debbies would make an excellent snack, dessert, or a little something just because "I feel like it."

There are 10 individually wrapped Little Debbie Cloud Cakes in one carton, and approximately 16 cartons in a case. The suggested retail price is $3.09 a carton. Each box includes two separate 55 cent coupons – not a bad deal!

These are available in mass merchandisers, supermarkets, dollar stores, variety stores and some convenience stores and other retailers nationwide.

I was fortunate (or should I say my husband) to sample these delicious Cloud Cakes and Little Debbie has offered to give one lucky SF Mommy reader a chance to try them also.  The winner will receive a whopping TWELVE boxes of Cloud Cakes.  To enter, leave a message below with the following:

1. Your email
2. Like Little Debbie on Facebook
3. If you have an interesting recipe to share that uses these cakes, please share!

The giveaway will end March 21st, good luck!

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  1. I liked Little Debbie on FB.

  2. I like to add these type of things to a boring old milkshake to step it up a notch!

    (PS... did I do this correctly? Do we get an additional entry for each one of the steps we follow? Or are we supposed to do all three in one comment? If so, you can delete my last two comments).

  3. I like Little Debbie on Facebook with my username Mary Happymommy.

    I don't have a recipe, but I thought it would be neat to stack all of these cloud cakes and make a tower out of them...the kids would love them!

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  4. I Like Little Debbie on Facebook -- *Thanks* for the giveaway!

  5. email: shopgurl101 at gmail dot com

    I like little debbie on fb evely d

    recipe: I would just slice some strawberries on top and then a bit of whip cream and it would be like a strawberry shortcake

  6. 1prizewinner at gmail dot com
    Liked Litte Debbie on Facebook (facebook name: Johannah Brookwell)
    And sorry but I have no recipe to share.


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